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  • rodgardner1908

Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who’s the bully after all?

This writer is baffled at the moment. Why? He has been accused of bullying his good friend. I am surprised with the fact that it is completely true.

How ironic. Our goal is to mitigate bullying not bully others.

Why did I do it? Probably because the amount of pressure I put on myself to be successful. I have an idealistic dream: to end the act of being bullied. Will it ever end? I hope so! I started this foundation around one year ago. It is a lot of work but what job isn’t.

I have a competitive nature and sometimes expect others to have this as well. Is that fair to others? Absolutely not. Was it fair to bully my friend? It was not at all!!

My good friend has educated others including me on various psychology principles including: Alpha vs. Omega. He is a self assured and a very intelligent person. I respect him in so many ways. I am greatly appreciative that he could look me in the eyes and address an underlying issue that was on his mind. In my opinion, not everyone has the courage , capacity, and confidence to do something that could be out of their comfort zone.

Thank you, my friend for saying this to me. Life is about learning from others. You articulated something that I needed to hear and learn.

Next time I look into the mirror, I will ask myself: “What can I do to be a more educated and sensitive leader?”

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